5 Ways You Can Help End Trafficking

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and at OPS, we stand in solidarity with this cause. We work to combat this gender-based violence by prioritizing the experiences and voices of survivors, empowering the community, and creating a safer world for all. Join us in raising awareness and taking action against human trafficking this month and beyond.

 Recognizing the Signs:
It's vital to spot the signs of trafficking, such as physical abuse, fear, or anxiety, excessive work hours without fair compensation, overcrowded living conditions, and more. By understanding these indicators, we can intervene and support survivors. By being vigilant and educated, we can play a crucial role in identifying and assisting those in need.

Think Before You Shop:
Have you ever considered the impact of your shopping and eating habits? Let's be mindful of who made our clothes and prepared our food. By making conscious choices to support ethical practices, we can combat child and forced labor. Stay informed by checking the Bureau of International Labor Affairs' list of suspected violators. Together, we can create a demand for goods and services that reflect our values and respect the rights and dignity of workers.

Donate & Volunteer:
You have the power to make a difference in your community by supporting anti-trafficking organizations like OPS. Reach out and find out how you can contribute. At OPS, we recognize the ongoing needs of Black survivors. Consider donating to our wishlist for hair and hygiene products or contributing to our Stay Safe program—providing crucial short-term housing for survivors in need. Your support empowers survivors and brings lasting change. By donating your time, skills, or resources, you’re helping to create a network of support that uplifts and empowers survivors.

Register for Training:
OPS understands the importance of a seamless network of support for survivors. Partnering with organizations in the community, we ensure survivors are met with dignity, respect, and understanding wherever they turn. Join our trauma-informed technical assistance training to cultivate a survivor-centered culture—a space that validates their experiences and perspectives. Together, we can create an environment that fosters healing and recovery, ensuring that survivors have access to the resources and support they need.

Advocate for Survivor-Centered Change:
As a survivor, your voice is a force for real change. OPS believes in a survivor-centered approach, where those with lived experiences lead and allies act as accomplices in the struggle for justice. Engage with representatives to address the urgent issue of human trafficking. Together, let's amplify survivor voices and make a difference! By advocating for survivor-centered policies and initiatives, we can create systemic change that supports survivors and holds perpetrators accountable.

During National Human Trafficking Prevention Month and beyond, let us come together to end human trafficking. By recognizing the signs, making conscious choices, donating and volunteering, registering for training, and advocating for survivor-centered change, we are taking important steps to combat this pervasive form of gender-based violence. Together, we can create a world where all individuals are free from exploitation, where survivors are empowered, and where justice prevails. Join OPS in this crucial mission to create a safer and more equitable world for all.


Ways Traffickers Control People