Introducing the New Youth Drop-In Day: Empowering Youth for Positive Change

Are you a young individual between the ages of 11 and 24, looking for a safe and supportive space to explore your needs and goals? We have exciting news for you! Starting March 20th, 2024, we are thrilled to introduce our Youth Drop-In Day at the OPS Drop In Center in Burien.

Every Wednesday from 1-6 PM will be dedicated to providing a wide range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of youth in our community.

Your Wellbeing, Our Priority

At Youth Drop-In Day, we are committed to supporting you in every aspect of your life. Here's an overview of the services and support we offer:


We advocate for your rights and ensure that your voice is heard and respected.

Youth Support Group

Connect with fellow peers and share your experiences in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

Holistic Healing

Experience holistic approaches to healing and wellbeing, including mindfulness, meditation, and spending time outdoors.

Education and Employment Support

Receive guidance and support to thrive academically and access resources for future employment opportunities.

Medical/Naturopathic Consults

Access medical and naturopathic consultations to address your healthcare needs.

Basic Needs Support

We provide assistance with clothing, food, and other essential needs to ensure your well-being is taken care of.

Community Meals and Cooking Classes

Join us for community meals and cooking classes, where you can connect with others and learn valuable life skills.

Life Skills Empowerment

Empower yourself with essential life skills to navigate the challenges of adulthood and reach your full potential.

Plus, many more services and resources to help you grow and thrive!

Understanding ACEs and Healing

We recognize that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can have a lasting impact on our lives. That's why we approach trauma-informed care with compassion and knowledge. Here's how we can support you in healing:

Mindfulness and Meditation

Learn and practice techniques to stay present, cultivate self-awareness, and manage stress.

Building Relationships

Improve your relationships with others and foster healthy connections that contribute to your overall well-being.

Creating Safe Spaces

We understand that everyone's journey is unique, and we provide a safe space where you can be yourself, express your emotions, and find support.

Empowering Emotional Regulation and Communication

Develop the skills to understand and regulate your emotions, improve your responses to situations, and become an effective communicator.

Setting Boundaries and Building Trust

We believe that setting boundaries is essential for healthy relationships, and we consistently show up for you to build trust and create a safe environment.

Healing the Inner Child

We encourage you to embrace joy and playfulness as part of your healing process. Engage in activities like coloring, dancing, walking, singing, and more!

It's Never Too Late to Change

No matter what you've been through, remember that it's never too late to heal from CSEC and create a positive change in your life. We are here to support you on your journey.

For more information about the Youth Drop-In Day and the services we provide, email us! We look forward to welcoming you and empowering you on your path of growth and transformation.


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